Rock Shambler

Submitted by Timothy/Thayne
Level/Size/Type:Level 4 Medium Essence (Shapeshifter)
Climate/Terrain:Any mountains or subterranean
Activity Cycle:Day
Number Appearing:1, 2-5 pack
Hit Points:8d10+3 (47 hp), +6 regen × 6 rests
Threshold of Pain:10
Overwhelming Pain:5
Strike:+3 (+6 melee, +5 ranged, +2 magic)
Damage:+4 (+7 melee, +6 ranged, +3 magic)
Defenses:23, Passive 16, Cel 16, Vgr 20, Spr 16
Defense Breakdown:+4 Agi, +7 Fort, +5 Will, +6 Natural Armor
Speed:15 feet
Attributes:Str 3, Dex 2, Con 3, Int -1, Wis 1, Per 2
Attacks:Slam +8 1d8+7 Bludgeoning Sluggish
The shambler forms a fist of stone to crush its target.

Catapult +5 1d6+7 Bludgeoning Sluggish 20' Thrown
The shambler throws a chunk of rock from its own body, dealing 5 damage to itself.
Special Qualities:Regeneration 1d6+6 Healing Slow Personal
A shambler may pause momentarily in order to gather nearby materials into itself, replenishing its health. Doing so uses up one of its daily rests.

Boulder Form Fast
The shambler reshapes itself into the form of a single large, roughly spherical object. While in this form, its movement rate increases from 15 to 30 feet, and it cannot use its Catapult attack. Reverting to any other form is a Fast action.


Shamblers are fearless, and fight with their full strength until they or their target are destroyed. Rock shamblers prefer melee combat, but will use their catapult attack when unable to catch up with or reach their foes. They will determine which target poses the greatest threat to the environment (not necessarily to themselves) and attack them exclusively.


Rock shamblers can be found in any rocky environment. They act as guardians over nature, and attack anything they perceive to be a threat to their territory. A typical shambler claims an area of a few square miles as its territory, and patrols it regularly. In general, only a single shambler will be found in a given area, but they may band together in order to fight off large threats, such as from humanoid military forces, or continued mining or other destruction of their homes.