Dragons and Broadswords
Chapter I Entry VI A Lack of Tact

What would you think if someone began their conversation by saying their entire story was irrelevant. I'd probably start walking away. Get used to the players interjecting comments. They'll probably be doing it quite a bit.
Also, I like Eilithandro.

Ah, you finally get to see the DM's face. And not that I really need to give credit for squares, but the little boxes the faces are in were taken from Chrono Trigger again, as was the idea of using them. In case you were wondering.

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2007-02-06 18:11:02
haha good job, when there is a few more i'll tell my friends. good job ... Qualin

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Dragons and Broadswords, along with all related characters and custom sprites, is copyright 2006-2007 by Thayne Bohman. All non-custom sprites and backgrounds are copyright their respective owners (Atlus Co./Grasshopper, Capcom, Square-Enix).