
Resting and Recovery

Characters are required to rest every night in order to heal their wounds and regain their stamina. If characters do not get sufficient rest, then they end up taking penalties the longer they remain awake.

Humans, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, gnomes, and lyorae are required to have at least 8 hours of rest every night, with 6 of those spent sleeping.

Drow and elves only need to sleep for 4 hours every night, with no extra rest.

If a character receives less than this minimum amount of rest, then it counts only as a short rest until the remaining time is completed. You may break an overnight rest into two pieces, but not more.

Characters who stay awake longer than 20 hours (or 24 hours for drow and elves) gain 1d6 fatigue every hour, and receive no benefits from short rests until they sleep for a full night. If a character falls unconscious in this way, he sleeps a full night unless disturbed.

Types of Rest

Characters regenerate both HP and fatigue naturally. Your initial Recovery for each is based on your race and attributes, but these numbers may be increased through the use of AP (See Skills and Enhancements). There are three types of rest that you can take, and each heals you for a different amount.

Short Rest

A short rest requires 15 minutes of low activity, meaning you must stay essentially in place, or have a comfortable ride (such as a cart or wagon, but not horseback). A short rest allows you to reduce your fatigue by 1d6 plus your Fatigue Recovery. You can only gain the benefits of a short rest three times per day, plus once for each point of Constitution you have.

Overnight Rest

Overnight rest requires a full night's sleep, based on your race, and restores 1 HP and removes fatigue equal to your new current hit point total plus the value for any extra short rests you did not use during the day. Additionally, you recover 1 point from your worst impairment. Roll randomly if multiple impairment types have the same penalty. You can only gain the benefits of overnight rest once per day.

Bed Rest

Bed rest requires 24 hours of low activity, with part of that time being a full night's sleep. Bed rest restores double that of an overnight rest after expending the daily short rest values.

Assisted Healing

Characters being tended by others can recover lost hit points and heal from impairments faster at the cost of additional fatigue. The Heal discipline has information on this.

Magical Healing

Very few spells allow for actual healing, but some may temporarily grant additional hit points or remove impairments or fatigue. All temporary hit points granted by spells are lost after 15 minutes.

Fast Healing (optional rule)

If you find that your games are too slow-paced with the above healing rules, then you can choose to instead implement fast healing. With these rules, a short rest heals 1d6 HP and removes fatigue equal to 1d6 plus your Fatigue Recovery and 1 impairment; an overnight rest fully restores both and removes all impairments.

Dangers of Adventuring

There are many dangers and hazards associated with adventuring. Listed here are a few of the more common ones.


Table: Base Falling Damage by Size

Adventurers come across pits and chasms with surprising frequency, and falls of nearly any height can prove fatal. At the same time, people sometimes fall great distances and suffer almost no injuries at all.

When a character falls, the DM makes one or more attacks against the higher of his Vigor or Celerity. Each successful attack deals a base amount of damage based on the character's size, and has a modifier to both hit and damage equal to +1 for every five feet fallen. The DM makes one attack for every ten feet fallen. The character may reduce the damage taken with a successful Acrobatics (Dex) check.

For example, Aeus is in the middle of a heated combat when an enemy forces him over a 40-foot ledge. Aeus is an aleiram elf (normal size) with a Vigor of 14 and Celerity of 16. First he attempts an Acrobatics (Dex) check to reduce the damage, and rolls a 17 total, so his fall is treated as 10 feet shorter. The DM then rolls three attack rolls against his Celerity, each with a +6 bonus, and hits twice. He then rolls 2d10+12 damage, and Aeus ends up taking 26 points of damage from the fall. If Aeus had rolled lower on his Acrobatics check, he could have been subject to up to four attacks at a +8 bonus.