Monster Index
Reading the Monster Entries
Each entry includes the full information about a single monster. The statistics and formatting are described below.
Level/Size/Type: Level is a relative measure of the monster's strength compared to other monsters, but not necessarily compared to any character levels. Size indicates the size category of the creature. Type indicates the creature's basic structure and properties (humanoid, slime, animal, and so on). Some creatures also have a subtype, such as Humanoid (reptilian) or Undead (unholy).
Climate/Terrain: This indicates the likely locations to encounter the creature.
Frequency: How common the creature is. Categories are Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare.
Organization: The creature's societal organization. Examples: solitary, family, tribe, pack, etc.
Activity Cycle: When the creature is awake and active.
Diet: What the creature eats.
Treasure: Common treasure carried by the creature or kept in its lair.
Number Appearing: How many of the creatures are likely to be encountered at once, often with multiple group types and sizes.
Hit Points: The creature's hit point range as a dice roll, and average hit points, followed by the number of fatigue recovered from a short rest and the number of rests allowed a day. Note that most monsters do not actually track fatigue separately, and in such cases this gain counts as hit points instead.
Threshold of Pain: The amount of damage that must be inflicted at once in order to cause an impairment. Generally, all damage already applies as hit point damage instead of fatigue, so the Threshold of Pain does not apply to fatigue like it does with characters.
Overwhelming Pain: The same as a character's. The monster is considered Wounded when he has a number of impairments greater than or equal to his Overwhelming Pain.
Strike: The creature's base Strike, followed by its modified attack bonuses for general melee, ranged, and magical attacks.
Damage: The creature's base Damage bonus, followed by its modified bonuses for general melee, ranged, and magical attacks.
Defenses: The creature's Primary defense, followed by it's Passive, Celerity (Cel), Vigor (Vgr), and Spirit (Spr) defenses.
Defense Breakdown: All potential modifiers to the creature's defense, allowing the DM to make modifications as he sees fit and know exactly what effect it should have.
Speed: The creature's base movement rate.
Initiative: The creature's initiative roll.
Attributes: The creature's attribute list.
Attacks: A list of the creature's most commonly used weapons, followed by any special attacks or abilities the monster has. Each individual monster will usually only have from one to three of the listed weapons. The special abilities are essentially the monsters' version of skills for characters. Weapon attacks are listed in the format Shortbow +4 1d6+3 Swift 60 ft. where +4 is the total attack bonus, 1d6+3 is the damage dealt, Swift is the speed, and 60 ft. is the range increment. Melee weapons do not have a range listed.
Special Defenses/Abilities: Any special defenses or powers the creature has that are not directly related to attacking.